Nasodine® Nasal Spray
Nasodine® Nasal Spray
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Discount Price | $19.99 SGD /each |
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Apply 3-4 sprays per nostril, up to 4 times a day.
- For adults and children older than 12
- Use only as directed
- Do not use if you are allergic to the active ingredient, povidone-iodine; discontinue use and consult a doctor if you experience any signs of allergic reaction
- Consult a doctor before use if you have thyroid disease
Active ingredient
Active ingredient
Povidone-iodine (0.5%)
Other information
Other information
- Each bottle contains 25 mL and delivers at least 160 sprays
- Store below 30C
- Manufactured by Firebrick Pharma Ltd, Melbourne Australia
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At the first signs of a cold I use this and the next day I'm fine. Same goes for my children.
My teenage son and I both have noticed a reduction in cold severity and time to recover. Also has been helpful for my normal post nasal drip symtoms with some drying effects. I have also used it when a close **** contact and did not develop ****.
It really works, I had the first signs of a cold (runny nose, sneezing) I used nasodine nasal spray 3 times (as directed) and the next day my cold symptoms were much milder so I used it twice again and by the third day all cold symptoms had disappeared completely
The day my cold hit me, I received the nasodine. I started using it asap as well as Sudafed and was very impressed how quickly the cold symptoms abated.
I have since ordered four more bottles.
The bottle should come in larger sizes.😁
My wife is the one who suffers from bad colds which then turn into chest infections. I showed her the product a month or two ago. She has since had 2 colds, which normally last around 3 -4 weeks. At the onset of her colds, she immediartely used the spray and each cold started disappearing in 2-3 days and were completely gone in a 5-6 days. She's also asthmatic and the colds going to her ches,t are what scares her the most. It's certainly been a life changing product for my wife!!